+ 南京画册设计中如何把色彩应用漂亮

As a Beijing album design, Yimei design practitioners has also encountered similar problems such as: we mark in the creation process of color and often we imagine not the same, so focus on overall feeling:


(1) the overall color is stiff, dare not to complementary color or with the color of the color or other colors, feel the colors do paid no together.


(2) do not know what kind of color for this sign


(3) the color rendering index I is not good


This is similar to the problem we met in the process of creation in peacetime, so we Beijing album design suggest some just entered the brand for LOGO primary designer, there are so few suggestions


First: LOGO graphics is determined, we must try all kinds of color collocation, either cool or warm or cold binding are dare to try.


Second: when you don't match, can "plagiarism" color this copy can be understood as the imitation of good color match of design, but to learn to progress and breakthrough in the imitation.


Again: is the color problems, we can not directly enter the color value, can choose color version of feel good color debugging, the color values are regular.


Then, slowly, we will know how to be the marker color do reach the acme of perfection.


Beijing album design ideas are just some personal ideas, some in peacetime work process views, in fact is not such color of the logo, you want us to do some Ji'nan poster design or design in Ji'nan is the single page design such material class can also be to mimic can also copy, but learn to surpass at the same time, the design of Ji'nan site in some lines we can do the operation, more or less the same, the key is in how to control these skills and.

原文转载于 南京画册设计 http://www.nanjingyinshua.com

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